15th November Story Sharing Café – Tarinoita kuolemasta
Tuomiokirkon krypta 18.00 – 19.30
Street adress: Kirkkokatu 18, 00100 Helsinki
Organized by Ars Moriendi Festival and the Story Sharing project.
16th November Story Sharing Café @ HAM 15.00 – 17.30
Street adress: HAM, Eteläinen Rautatiekatu 8, 00100 Helsinki
Organized by Helsinki City and the Story Sharing project in cooperation with Universum ry and HAM.
17th November Story Sharing Café @ Seaside Stories 14.00-16.00
Stadshuset Hangö / Hanko City Hall
Street adress: Berggatan 1, 00190 Hangö
Organized by: Story Sharing Universum project in cooperation with Seaside Stories, Alba SuomiFinland and Hanko City and supported by Svenska Kulturfonden.
29th November Story Sharing Café @ Musiikkitalo 16.30 -19.00
Street adress: Musiikkitalo, Mannerheimintie 13, 00100 Helsinki
The event is organized by Helsinki City and the Story Sharing project in cooperation with Universum ry and Musiikkitalo.
Story Sharing Café is an easy and fun event where people from all over the world, with diverse backgrounds and realities can meet and share everyday stories.
You can come alone or bring a friend and share stories and memories in small groups at coffee tables hosted by members of our Story Sharing group.
We also have some special storytelling guests and an open story sharing mic. We will create a heartwarming and enjoyable event!
We speak at least English, Finnish, Arabic, Kurdish, Hindi, Farsi, Swedish, French, Spanish and Russian.
universum@universum.fi / FB @storysharinguniversum