Expeditionen saa Thalia -ehdokkuuden 2024

The success continues for Sirius Teatern's successful performance Expedition - a love story. Last fall, this dramatization of Bea Uusma's award-winning book broke all previous records for Sirius, the audience and the critics were lyrical and the audience influx to the theater exceeded all amounts Sirius has seen so far. The show has now been nominated for the Thalia Prize, as the best show of the year in the whole country.

Seitsemän teatteriproduktiota Suomessa ovat saaneet ehdokkuuden:

Aidatut unelmat Kajaani (premiere 15.8.2023), Vaara-kollektiivi ja Sari Palmgren & co  
Ennen lintuja (premiere 11.11.2023), Seinäjoen kaupunginteatteri
Expeditionen – en kärlekshistoria (premiere 16.9.2023), Teater Universum & Sirius Teatern
Mestari ja Margarita – Saatana saapuu Moskovaan (premiere 16.9.2023), Joensuun kaupunginteatteri
Minä, Tellervo (premiere 14.1.2023), Lahden kaupunginteatteri ja Tampereen Teatteri
Varamiehet / Varumehed (premiere 6.5.2023), Suomen Kansallisteatteri ja Eesti Draamateater
Whizz, whirr, bang, clang! (premiere 3.3.2023), Hav-Anna Company & Teater Virus

The winner is announced 27.3.2024until which you can vote for your favorite on TINFO's website. Exciting...

Expeditionen was directed, written and dramatized by Paul Olin.

On stage stood Cecilia Paul, Wilhelm Grotenfelt, Paul Holländer and Paul Olin.

Physical consulting and co-directing was handled by Antti Silvennoinen Light and projection design was managed by Tuomas Honkanen. Soundscapes and music were taken care of by Benjamin Rosenlund and Sidner Olin.