Saraab – We Are Stories
East Helsinki should be an independent country. Where people stand for things. Empathy, compassion, gratitude and everything good and left. Where everyone would make a lot of sense, love and tell so many stories. This evening is about the story part. The stories of sandwiches, liberty, chai, fishing, relocation, resistance, and whatever. Come and listen […]
All Women Story Sharing Café 28.9.
All Women Story Sharing café is an easy and fun event where people from all over the world, with diverse backgrounds and realities meet and share everyday stories. On Saturday September 28th our café is an all-women event, so come alone or bring a friend and share stories and memories in small groups at coffee […]
I’m So Here – A crazy and diverse performance about identity On Tour
In this strange place I ended up in…do I look the same?do I feel the same?do I think the same?do I act the same? I’m So Here on esitys jonka keskeisiä teemoja ovat identiteetti tulokkaan näkökulmasta. Kuinka minut onotettu vastaan siinä yhteiskunnassa jonne muutin ja miten se on vaikuttanut minuun? Mitä kannanmukanani taustastani, miten olen […]
10Y Anniversary Story Sharing Café
Story Sharing Café on rento ja kotoisa tapahtuma jossa ihmiset eri puolilta maailmaa ja eri taustoista ja lähtökohdista voivat tavata ja jakaa arkipäivän tarinoita. Kahvipöydissä, pienessä porukassa kuunnellaan ja jaetaan tarinoita Story Sharing -ryhmän opastamina. Tule yksin tai ystävän kanssa tutustumaan hauskalla tavalla, rennossa tunnelmassa. Ohjelmassa myös elävää musiikkia ja avoin tarinamikrofoni. Puhumme ainakin suomea, […]
All Women Story sharing café is an easy and fun event where people from all over the world, with diverse backgrounds and realities meet and share everyday stories.On Sunday December 10th our café is an all-women event, so come alone or bring a friend and share stories and memories in small groups at coffee tables […]
Story Sharing Café MERI-RASTILA
Story Sharing Café on rento ja kotoisa tapahtuma jossa ihmiset eri puolilta maailmaa ja eri taustoista ja lähtökohdista voivat tavata ja jakaa arkipäivän tarinoita. Kahvipöydissä, pienessä porukassa kuunnellaan ja jaetaan tarinoita Story Sharing -ryhmän opastamina. Tule yksin tai ystävän kanssa tutustumaan hauskalla tavalla, rennossa tunnelmassa. Ohjelmassa myös vierailevia tarinankertojia ja avoin tarinamikrofoni. Puhumme ainakin suomea, […]
Helsinki Day Story Sharing Café
Story Sharing Café is an easy and fun event where people from all over the world, with diverse backgrounds and realities can meet and share everyday stories. You can come alone or bring a friend and share stories and memories in small groups at coffee tables hosted by members of our Story Sharing group. We […]
Story Sharing Café UKRAINE
[Українська нижче / Русский ниже / för svensk version skrolla ner / suomeksi alla] Story Sharing Cafe is a welcoming and cosy cultural event where people from all over the world can meet and get to know each other. We sit at small coffee tables hosted by the Story Sharing group members and share everyday […]
Story Sharing Café Luckan
[Українська нижче / Русский ниже / för svensk version skrolla ner / suomeksi alla] Story Sharing Cafe is a welcoming and cosy cultural event where people from all over the world can meet and get to know each other. We sit at small coffee tables hosted by the Story Sharing group members and share everyday […]
I’m So Here – A crazy and diverse performance about identity
[suomeksi alla / för svensk version skrolla ner] In this strange place I ended up in… do I look the same? do I feel the same? do I think the same? do I act the same? is this still me? The main theme in I´m So Here is the individual and cultural identity from the perspective of the newcomer. How […]