All Women Story Sharing Café 28.9.


All Women Story Sharing café is an easy and fun event where people from all over the world, with diverse backgrounds and realities meet and share everyday stories.

On Saturday September 28th our café is an all-women event, so come alone or bring a friend and share stories and memories in small groups at coffee tables hosted by a member of our Story Sharing group. We speak English, Finnish, Swedish, Ukrainian, Greek, Russian, Slovenian and Hindi.
We also have live music by the eminent singer Sofiia Yakovyshyna and talented pianist Maryna Kramarenko coffee and sweets and an open story- sharing mic. We will create a heart-warming and enjoyable event! We have a babysitter during the event. You are warmly welcome!

The All Women Cafe´ is realized with the support of the Wilhelminahemmet foundation.


Saturday September 28th 2024 at 16-18.30

The event is free of charge

Organised by Story Sharing Universum and Vuotalo.



Saturday September 28th 2024 at 16-18.30

The event is free of charge

Organised by Story Sharing Universum and Vuotalo.