Sirius Teatern & Liisa Pentti +Co: Fraudulent Light – And the Epidemy of Oblivion 


Fraudulent Light – And the Epidemy of Oblivion is an experimental dance theatre piece made in collaboration with Liisa Pentti +Co and Sirius Teatern. It is based on the idea of the present illuminated from all directions, as a pastless and ghostless space without protective darkness, as presented by art history professor Jonathan Crary's kirjassaan 24/7 (2013).

The artistic starting points of the piece are Pina Bausch's classic choreographies 1980 - ein Stück von Pina Bausch (1980) and Walzer (1982). From these foundations, Fraudulent Light emerges as a 'ghost theatre': it is loosely based on already existing forms and ideas of performing arts, on what has existed for a long time. Nine performers surrender to the fraudulent light and oblivion in a work that focuses on the ambiguity, ecstasy and love of being human.

Fraudulent Light was first seen in 2022 at Theatrehouse Betania.



To 20.2.2025 klo 19.30 UUSINTA ENSI-ILTA
Pe 21.2.2025 klo 19.30
La 22.2.2025 klo 15

Kesto n. 1,5h ilman väliaikaa.




To 20.2.2025 klo 19.30 UUSINTA ENSI-ILTA
Pe 21.2.2025 klo 19.30
La 22.2.2025 klo 15

Kesto n. 1,5h ilman väliaikaa.


Concept and direction
Liisa Pentti
Wilhelm Grotenfelt, Paul Holländer, Suvi Kemppainen, Satu Rekola, Marlon Moilanen, Corinne Mustonen, Paul Olin, Pinja Poropudas, Kardo Shiwan
working group
Juan Llossas: Frühling und Sonnenschein, Cole Porter: Begin the Beguine, Cole Porter: Anything Goes, Dizzy Gillespie: Swing Low, Sweet Cadillac; Los Visconti: Las quimeras
Dramaturgical support
Titta Halinen
Sound design
Jouni Tauriainen
Lighting design
Ina Niemelä
Spatial design
Fabian Nyberg
Costume design
Siru Kosonen
Sewing of costumes
Ompelimo Rodino ja Sara Lehtonen
Uupi Tirronen, Sari Antikainen
Video documentation
Iina Terho
Graphic design
Monika Bodendorfaitė (Kobra Agency), Mia Kivinen
Ehrenfeldt Studios, Köln